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Data and analyses of consumer attitudes, preferences and shopping habits.


Versatile Denim

No sooner did camps start, and the coronavirus was shutting them down. Likewise, Major League Baseball started its season nearly four months late and within days, a COVID outbreak began…

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Back-to-School 2020

After the COVID-19 pandemic that in March led to the swift shutdown of life as we knew it, school systems were left trying to educate students from kindergarten through college…

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New Merchandising Plans

The coronavirus pandemic saw spending drop 6.6 percent in March and 12.6 percent in April, according to the U.S. Commerce Department. It did increase 8.8 percent in May, according to…

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A Tale of Two Generations

States have been slowly reopening after the coronavirus pandemic saw stores, schools, work, and life in general shutdown months ago. For Gen Z and Millennials, COVID-19 marked yet another crisis…

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Home Textiles in Mexico – Supply Chain Insights

Mexican consumers spent Mex$44.3 billion (USD 2.3 billion) on home textile products in 2019. While a drop in spending due to the COVID-19 pandemic is expected in 2020, this market…

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Home Textiles in China – Supply Chain Insights

Chinese consumers spent ¥167 billion ($23.4B USD) on home textile products in 2019. While a drop in spending due to the COVID-19 pandemic is expected in 2020, this market is…

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Home Textiles – Supply Chain Insights

U.S. consumers spent $66.4 billion on home textile products in 2019. While a drop in spending due to the COVID-19 pandemic is expected in 2020, this market is projected to…

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Stop the Synthetics

As the coronavirus pandemic swept across the nation, gyms and workout studios had to close their doors. The stay-at-home orders led many fitness fans to turn to home workout routines.…

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Things to Know About COVID-19 & Consumer Concerns in Mexico (Wave II)

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues across the globe, consumers adapt their shopping to this new normal. Based on data from the second wave of our COVID-19 Consumer Response Survey, our…

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Standing the Test of Time

Out of economic crisis comes change. But that doesn’t mean that people abandon the things that are familiar and provide comfort. It just means these things tend to evolve. The…

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