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Here’s How Switching to Natural Fibers Can Combat Microplastic Pollution

The hazy, hot and humid month of July is here, and that means Plastic Free July is upon us. Begun in 2011, the movement is a key initiative of the…

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It’s Plastic Free July – And This Is Why Consumers are Concerned About Synthetics

Amazon recently announced it has replaced 95 percent of the plastic pillows used for packaging in the U.S. and plans to phase them out entirely by the end of the…

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Supply Chain

In Growing Outdoor Market, The Fiber to Use When Leaving No Trace Matters

More people than ever are enjoying the Great Outdoors. And companies are responding with products that help consumers get back to nature while enjoying natural fibers, be it in their…

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Supply Chain

You Think You Know Cotton? Check This Out

The Nineties pop act C+C Music Factory had a hit with the song, “Things That Make You Go Hmmmm…,” which was based on a running bit comedian Arsenio Hall had…

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The Blue Jean Birthday Story: How It Started, How It’s Going Globally

It’s funny watching movies or TV shows that don’t really seem that old but then a character makes a call from a phone booth, checks their home answering machine or…

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Who We Are

The Cotton Incorporated Lifestyle Monitor™ website is an information hub for economic data, surveys and insights, news, and updates related to consumer attitudes and behaviors, as well as the global cotton supply chain.

90% of consumers wish cotton were in more products.

What We Do

75% of consumers believe better quality garments are made from natural fibers such as cotton.

We develop and provide thorough and objective data and information to trade and consumer media, the textile/apparel supply chain, brands and retailers as well as curious consumers. For nearly three decades, the Lifestyle Monitor™ Survey has measured consumer attitudes and behaviors related to the apparel and fashion industries, sustainability, home textiles, shopping and retail, fiber selection and preference, personal care items, and more.

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Economic Newsletter

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The iconic Seal of Cotton has helped consumers quickly recognize products containing cotton since 1973.