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Strong Potential

For a long time, men were not considered a big target audience for fashion. Menswear was often thought to be a replenishment business, where the clothes were often purchased by…

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Wanting the Experience

It's not news that retailers are having a tough time right now. Shoppers are not only spending money online when they used to buy in-store, but they're spending on things…

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Looking to Expand

It comes as no surprise to those in the garment business that the U.S. retail market is going through a change. Consumers are spending less on products and more on…

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Getting It Right

It's no secret that buying apparel online isn't easy, for either the consumer or the retailer. Consumers have to wonder about fit, comfort, and how the fabric actually feels. Retailers…

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What to Expect

The phrase "as soft as a baby's bottom" doesn't mean much until you actually come into contact with a newborn baby, where the difference between adult skin and this tiny…

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New Tech

Experts may differ on exactly why the Titanic sank -- was it the steel used, the rivets that held it together? But no one questions what pre-empted its sinking: the…

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Amazon Rising

Once upon a time in retail, there were category killers -- stores so powerful in a particular type of offering, they knocked off their smaller competitors. Then along came an…

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Supply Chain

Fashion Industry & Earth Day

This year on Earth Day, there will be more than the usual rallies and musical acts celebrating the event. There will be a March for Science in Washington, D.C., in…

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Men, Women, & Brand Loyalty

In a pivotal scene from Mad Men, between young upstart Pete Campbell, creative director Don Draper and their firm's founding partner Bert Cooper, Cooper advised Draper, "I'd keep an eye…

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Gen Z

In an interesting interaction at a recent New York women's apparel trade show, a vendor was asked if she considers Gen Z part of her customer reach, and if so,…

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