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Fiber Preferences

Fiber Preferences


What to Expect

The phrase "as soft as a baby's bottom" doesn't mean much until you actually come into contact with a newborn baby, where the difference between adult skin and this tiny…

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Leave Comfort to Clothes

“Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life.” — Bill Cunningham

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The Endless Laundry Cycle

There's an old adage about the only things for certain in life being death and taxes. Somehow, laundry got left off that list. But this perpetual household task is as…

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The Irresistible Athleisure Trend

Here in the U.S., designers and retailers have been scrambling to court consumers who enjoy wearing athleisure apparel so much, they've turned it into a $44 billion business in America…

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In a Winter Wonderland

Not everyone has experienced chestnuts roasting on an open fire or dashing on a one-horse open sleigh. But plenty of people have already felt Jack Frost nipping at their nose.…

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Keeping Things Fresh

A research study in the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology associated underwear made of synthetic fabrics with infections, as it doesn't breathe as much as natural…

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Getting Technical

Technology has come to fashion in a major way -- whether in wearables, high-tech fabrics or Internet of Things pieces that "talk" to the wearer.

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Supply Chain

Checking Fiber Content

“Out of sight, out of mind” could easily describe the problem facing America's waterways, marine life -- and our own health, as well. It's happening via an unwitting cycle, but…

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Supply Chain

Taking on the Outdoors

For outdoor enthusiasts, exercising or partaking of activities in a natural environment goes without saying. Hiking, biking, kayaking, and so many more pursuits encompass the enjoyment of exercising while enjoying…

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