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Data and analyses of the cotton textile retail sector, including fiber share by category.


Online Frontiers

Paris Fashion Week is underway and with it comes all the creativity and visual drama one expects of the world’s fashion capital. It’s flamboyant and fabulous. Meanwhile, in offices in…

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Updating Favorites

This week at the Oscar’s, Sylvester Stallone sat in the audience after having been nominated for his supporting role as Rocky Balboa in Creed, the latest sequel to the Rocky…

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Using Data to Create Customer Bonds

Believe it or not, there was a time when shoppers on the East Coast didn’t recognize all the stores on the West Coast. The same was true of shoppers up…

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Accepting Reality

Customers might not be real retail merchandisers, but they like to play them online.  At least when it comes to consumer reviews. Whether effusive and positive or outright negative, shoppers…

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Urban Boom

If the children are our future, so, apparently, is a lot of urban living. Recent headlines have Millennials leaving the suburbs behind for the nation’s cities, both big and small.…

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Looking Back

This past holiday season, the American consumer could have been called anything from finicky to punctually challenged. But at the end of the day, they quit their procrastinating and spent…

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The Retail of Now: Millennials

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Holiday 2015 Retail

A show of hands for everyone who felt like a winner after driving to the area shopping center thinking it would be a zoo and finding manageable (as opposed to…

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Beating the Uninstall

More than any other time of the year, everyone is shopping and nobody wants to overpay because they missed out on a coupon or promo code. Customers have found the…

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2015 Holiday Shopping Trends

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