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Supply Chain

Banking on ‘Green’

Images of blazing wildfires, cracked dry farmland or satellite shots of melting ice may get people thinking about the environment, but they have not become full-fledged activists as a result. …

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Increasing Flexibility

The outfits of busy Americans are beginning to match their multi-tasking lives. Evidence can be seen at the home improvement and grocery stores, the children’s playground, even the movie theater. …

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Making It Personally

This newest movement may be small in numbers, but it is big on ideals: American independent denim makers, designers who are producing small batches of top-quality jeans. In an age…

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The Power of Youth

Today’s persistent tweens are turning out to be a boon for the retail industry, which can bank on them no matter the economic climate. This new generation of 7-to-13 year…

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Supply Chain

Finding Stability

One year ago, cotton prices were soaring and the apparel industry feared consumers would react by curtailing spending. Although prices on cotton apparel did increase, shoppers have continued or increased…

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London Calling

Come summer, the international spotlight will shine on the United Kingdom when the 2012 Olympics begin in London.  While billions worldwide will be watching athletes striving to achieve their personal…

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A New Mentality

Gillette’s new “Masters of Style” ad, featuring the fashionably attired Adrian Brody, Gael Garcia Bernal and Andre 3000, comes at a time when more U.S. men are taking their personal…

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New Laps of Luxury

If it is good to be rich, it is just as good to be a business that caters to the sector.  The luxury apparel market is alive, well and growing…

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Bringing It All Back Home

Job loss during the Great Recession has Americans — and 2012 presidential contenders — thinking a lot more about job creation.  In the apparel sector, some consider it a duty…

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Seasonless Style

Consumers are shopping more shrewdly than ever.  They cross-check products and pricing before they head to stores, and arrive armed with smartphones as backup.  They want products that wear well…

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