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The ‘I’ of the Tiger

The potential held by China’s enormous population never fails to quicken the pulse of retailers.  And e-commerce, especially via mobile devices, is one of the hottest avenues for doing business…

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Supply Chain

Making Green the New Black

Corporate social responsibility is not about minding one’s manners on Facebook and Twitter, but about embracing sustainability models. Gucci has adopted a “Sustainable Value” philosophy, and says a supply chain…

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Countering Showrooming

A specialty grocery store in Australia made headlines around the world when it began charging a $5 fee for simply browsing. But experts say this reaction to showrooming – researching…

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Teen Beat

For teens, there is no shortage of venues to find celebrity news, hair tips and apparel inspiration.  From TV shows and movies to Huff Post Teen, style messages are ubiquitous. …

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Consumer Perspectives on “Green” Apparel

Environmental activism among consumers has steadily progressed due to more individuals adopting eco-friendly habits. Consumers’ eco-sensitive attitudes and behaviors can be understood as a form of enlightened self-interest. More than…

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Trickle Down Retail

Somewhere between the Wall Street bailout and today’s new economy — where consumers are saving more and spending less — shoppers started turning more and more to mass merchants for…

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A Straight Shot

Whether someone’s a small designer trying to make a name for themselves or a legacy retailer in the apparel business for nearly a century and a half, reaching the consumer…

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On The Up & Up

Nobody likes feeling tricked, least of all consumers. Which is why government officials are making sure apparel manufacturers know that rayon, by any other name, is still rayon. Recently, Amazon,…

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Star Quality

The movie and music awards season may be over, but interest in celebrities never wanes.  From movie premieres, to summer concerts to the always-fun dating and dumping scene, Americans love…

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