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Celebrating the Journey

The blue jean market looks very different than it did when Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss & Co., received the patent to strengthen men's work pants with copper rivets in…

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Helping Denim Go From Blue to Green

Earth Day is this Saturday and the campaign's focus is environmental and climate literacy. Organizers posit that education on these fronts will not only advance eco-related laws, but it will…

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Denim with a Twist

Maybe it's because people in general have become multitaskers, we've come to expect everything else to do double duty, too: Phones that have cameras and internet capabilities. Brac

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A Perennial Favorite

Now that fall weather has finally hit most of the country, children are officially switching out their summer shorts and tees for other options as they head to school each…

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Celebrating 10 Years

America is a leader in many areas, one of them being a top consumer market. That has its pros -- we can be counted on to buy a lot of…

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An Iconic Staple

Denim has always been a tried-and-true staple item here in the U.S. While the relatively recent athleisure trend may have affected America's denim sales, jeans remain the top bottomswear item…

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Active Pursuit

The old adage, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” may — to some extent — be surfacing in the denim world right now. We’re talking about denim makers looking…

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Prepare Accordingly

Okay, so remember a little bit ago when the death knell was rung for denim? When athleisure was going to run it out of town on a rail? Well, something…

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Where do men and women wear nice looking jeans?

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