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Data and analyses of the cotton textile retail sector, including fiber share by category.


Going Local

At retail, brands have historically been built on consistent experiences across all locations. But some retailers are playing with this technique, tweaking both the design details and the product mix…

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Coded Response

The funky black and white squares posted in store windows may look like optical illusions to some, but are gateways to customized shopping for those who recognize a QR code.…

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Reading, Writing & Retailing

The school year may have only just ended, but retailers already have their eye on the second-biggest season of the year: Back-to-School.  And while stores will wait to exhale until…

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The Experiential Shopper

From malls with indoor water parks to boutiques proffering plush sofas and cocktails, stores are working harder to make shopping more inviting for today’s time-pressed, distracted shopper – all in…

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Retail Everywhere: Omni-Channel Apparel Shopping

The boundary between in-store and online apparel shopping is vanishing in the minds of consumers. Offering a seamless or “OMNI-CHANNEL” retail experience to U.S. apparel shoppers across all avenues they…

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Forging Relationships

Today, retail is all about engagement: learning what the consumer wants, while promoting products and messages – often without a selling mentality. And it is making everyone more social. McKinsey’s…

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Fast Transformation

When consumers think “fast fashion,” their first thought might not be sustainable fabrics.  But after years of hearing about how they are peddling “throwaway” apparel, leading retailers of low-price, trendy…

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The ‘I’ of the Tiger

The potential held by China’s enormous population never fails to quicken the pulse of retailers.  And e-commerce, especially via mobile devices, is one of the hottest avenues for doing business…

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Countering Showrooming

A specialty grocery store in Australia made headlines around the world when it began charging a $5 fee for simply browsing. But experts say this reaction to showrooming – researching…

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Trickle Down Retail

Somewhere between the Wall Street bailout and today’s new economy — where consumers are saving more and spending less — shoppers started turning more and more to mass merchants for…

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