In a Winter Wonderland
Not everyone has experienced chestnuts roasting on an open fire or dashing on a one-horse open sleigh. But plenty of people have already felt Jack Frost nipping at their nose.…
Putting Creativity to the Holiday Test
The big holidays are just days away, and retailers are in the final push to get their merchandise out of their stores and warehouses and into customers' homes. Drumming up…
All Eyes Ahead
It will be a few weeks before we know how things shook out for Holiday 2016. But industry experts already know what trends to anticipate for the coming year. Some…
Consumer Outlook for 2018: Good, If A Little Cautious
Regarding the U.S. economy, less than half of all consumers (46 percent) say they are optimistic toward the outlook for the U.S. economy, according to the Cotton Incorporated Lifestyle MonitorTM…
How to Dig Out From Under All That Data
Brands and retailers not only need to collect, but also gather insights from data to better understand and engage with their customers.
Monthly Economic Letter February 2019
Most cotton prices were stable over the past month. Chinese prices moved slightly higher. Indian prices moved slightly lower.