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Data and analyses of consumer attitudes, preferences and shopping habits.


Global Lifestyle Monitor: UK

Consumers in the United Kingdom spent $76.3 billion on clothing in 2017.

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Global Lifestyle Monitor: Turkey

Turkish consumers spent $28.3 billion on clothing in 2017, or $349 per person.

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Global Lifestyle Monitor: Thailand

Consumers in Thailand spent $10.2 billion on clothing in 2018, making a third year of growth since experiencing a downturn in 2008.

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Global Lifestyle Monitor: Mexico

Mexican consumers spent $17.7 billion on clothing in 2017, or $140 per person.

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Global Lifestyle Monitor: Japan

Japanese consumers spent a robust $89.6 billion on clothing in 2017.

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The Indoor Generation

Have you ever looked at people who work or exercise outside when it's bitterly cold or oppressively hot and thought, "How are they out there on a day like today?"…

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Global Lifestyle Monitor: Italy

Italian consumers spent $60 billion on clothing in 2017, or $990 per person.

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Global Lifestyle Monitor: India

Indian consumers spent $87.9 billion on clothing in 2017, representing 6% of all consumer expenditures.

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Global Lifestyle Monitor: Germany

German consumers spent $73 billion on clothing in 2017, continuing its steady growth since the global recession of 2008.

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Global Lifestyle Monitor: Colombia

Colombia is a growing market for clothing brands and retailers. Consumers spent $10.1 billion on clothing in 2017, and this number is expected to grow 118% by 2030.

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