Meeting New Demands
In casual conversations with folks who don't work in the apparel industry, many seem surprised to hear that apparel retailers didn't fare well during the COVID-19 shutdowns since they could…
Growth in Athleisure
In a matter of days last March, everyday office attire went from traditional workwear to workout clothes. That's if people got out of their pajamas as the coronavirus shutdown forced…
Versatile Denim
No sooner did camps start, and the coronavirus was shutting them down. Likewise, Major League Baseball started its season nearly four months late and within days, a COVID outbreak began…
Facelifts for Malls & Stores
By now, a lot of Americans have ventured back to stores and malls, but it doesn't take long to notice everything is just a little bit different. Or maybe a…
Weathering the COVID Storm
So many apparel brands and retailers have been cut off at the knees since the coronavirus pandemic began, it's sometimes hard to fathom how the industry will come out of…
Back-to-School 2020
After the COVID-19 pandemic that in March led to the swift shutdown of life as we knew it, school systems were left trying to educate students from kindergarten through college…
New Merchandising Plans
The coronavirus pandemic saw spending drop 6.6 percent in March and 12.6 percent in April, according to the U.S. Commerce Department. It did increase 8.8 percent in May, according to…
More of a Reality?
When COVID-19 ground everyday life to a halt, the impact on the retail industry was immediate and severe. The fashion industry, which offers anywhere from twelve to many dozens of…
Pivot Your Marketing
This is going to take a while. COVID-19 was so seismic in its intensity, recovery won't be instantaneous. Americans are known for their impatience, but the virus forced everyone to…