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COVID-19 & Consumer Concerns in Mexico

A Year in Review: Consumers Look Ahead

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Earth Day 2021

Remember last year when COVID-19 shut down the world, and the environmentally minded were hopeful it would be good for the planet? Well, that didn't happen but from April 20-22,…

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The Comfort & Reliability of Cotton

After more than a year of pandemic-related stress, anxiety and sadness, people could use a laugh. And that's part of what Cotton Incorporated's latest "The Fabric of Our Lives®" campaign…

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Supply Chain

The Benefits of Natural Fibers

One can often see signs in parks that say, "Take only memories and pictures. Leave only footprints." They serve as a gentle reminder for park visitors to be responsible so…

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Showing Some Love

In the wake of COVID-19, it is many the brand that's trying to find its footing, figure out what makes a difference and connect with the consumer. Take Krispy Kreme:…

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Fashion & Clothing Durability

The pandemic has been a lot of things. But to the fashion resale market, it's been a windfall. There's nothing like being stuck in the house for a year to…

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Supply Chain

A Renewed Look

Since the start of the pandemic, proper hand washing, and sanitizing have been touted as key to reducing the spread of COVID-19. Such is the importance of clean, running water.…

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How Consumers Have Changed & Stayed the Same

If 2020 could have a title, it might be "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly." Who knew so much could change in a year that seemed more like half…

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Meeting the Demands

Buzzfeed has a fun quiz that lets people know if they're a Millennial or Gen Z based on the clothes they like. Bucket hat? Gen Z. Skinny jeans? Millennials. To…

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