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The Natural Way to a Millennial Mom’s Heart

Somewhere between being called the Boomerang Generation (because a lack of finances meant they had to move back in with their parents) and Trophy Kids (because they were rewarded not…

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Taking It Personally

It used to be consumers all pretty much shopped the same way: if they needed something, they went to the store to get it. These days, there is still Point…

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Gen Z + Denim

Gen Z is nothing if not about authenticity. And perhaps no other piece of apparel has been linked more with the word "authentic" than denim jeans. But this young generation…

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Being Digitally Savvy

China is still an economic powerhouse, despite the fact that its growth is slowing. The country's economy grew 6.2 percent in the second quarter, down from 6.4 percent the period…

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10 Facts About Back-to-School Shopping

With the start of a new school year rapidly approaching, consumers and retailers alike are gearing up for Back-to-School shopping. Learn what is on parents’ shopping lists with Cotton Incorporated’s…

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‘Tis the (School) Season

The fireflies may be swirling, and lines at the ice cream stand are long. But for many a parent, summertime is Back-to-School (BTS) season. For some, it's a matter of…

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Supply Chain

Outdoor Brands

At June's Outdoor Retailer (OR) Summer Market, as in years before, performance technology was a big part of the show. But this time, visitors could find new developments in high-tech…

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Par for the Course

Tiger Woods isn't the only recent comeback in golf. Duffers will find more cotton than has been seen in years thanks to the natural fiber being linked with performance features,…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter June 2019

This USDA’s May supply and demand report is the first to feature a complete set of forecasts for an upcoming crop year.  The figures for 2019/20 suggest growth in both…

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