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Generational Gap

It wasn’t that long ago when marketers merely had to place ads in newspapers and magazines, or on TV or the radio to reach their audience. Generally, a lot of…

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Holiday Bustle

No sooner did Thanksgiving weekend end and media reports were declaring that not only was Black Friday a bust with consumers (down 11% from last year), but retailers had better…

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Keeping up with the Joneses

Like beauty, luxury is in the eye of the beholder. Higher-end apparel retailers and brands have been trying to become the apple of this lucrative consumer’s eye via e-commerce and…

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The Kids Have It

Nothing in this world is certain but death and taxes – and kids outgrowing their clothes. It’s a steady market that has replenishment built right in. However, despite the short…

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All Cotton for 24 Hours

When models took to the catwalk in Cotton’s 24 Hour Runway Show (Nov. 7-8), a record-high number of viewers were treated to a classic example of experiential marketing that hit…

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Heading into the Holidays

Now that Halloween is over, retailers can unabashedly break out the holiday music and winter decorations — while reluctantly unveiling the inevitable sales and promotions to move product. Experts anticipate…

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Fashion Forward

“Denim is not going away any time soon. The rise of denim into the active market is just another cyclical trend. The young generation who grew up with skinny jeans…

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Holidays are (Almost) Here

The holidays are quickly approaching and as always, retailers have started the deep inhale as they wait to see how well consumers come through with spending. While banking on brick…

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Diverse Retail Ecosystem

When U.S. businesses consider expanding into new markets, China is always leading the list. However, Latin America should be top of mind as well. Of course, China’s 1.35 billion people…

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Upwardly Mobile

During the Great Recession, consumers pulled back on frivolous spending and focused primarily on needs, and less on wants. However, since that time, the job market has greatly improved, credit…

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