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10 Facts About Back-to-School Shopping

With the start of a new school year rapidly approaching, consumers and retailers alike are gearing up for Back-to-School shopping. Learn what is on parents’ shopping lists with Cotton Incorporated’s…

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‘Tis the (School) Season

The fireflies may be swirling, and lines at the ice cream stand are long. But for many a parent, summertime is Back-to-School (BTS) season. For some, it's a matter of…

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The Power of a Storefront

If traditional retail had a crush on pop-up shops a few years ago, one could say they've now entered into a long-term relationship. Brick-and-mortar locations have been losing ground to…

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Children’s Apparel

Perhaps unsurprisingly, North West, daughter to Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, recently trended on Twitter. It seems the 5-year-old donned a pair of her mom's pink snakeskin boots that perfectly…

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For a Good Cause

Running a fashion business is full of hard work, stress, long hours, and mental gymnastics. But it's also full of glamour. And that glamour can help attract media attention to…

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Consumer Engagement

For years now, businesses have been advised to use, learn, and engage with customers via social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. What better way to grow your brand than…

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Size Inclusive

Walking down the any street in America, one will quickly find women who do not conform to the fashion world's traditional sizing model. Across the board, most women are what…

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Social Shopping

New York Fashion Week just wrapped, award season is upon us with nightly celebrity red carpet sightings and social media is awash in all of it. Not only can the…

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Targeting Male Shoppers

The fall menswear shows, which ran for about three days, are wrapping up in New York and the full week of women's shows are set to begin. The ladies' shows…

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Global Lifestyle Monitor: UK

Consumers in the United Kingdom spent $76.3 billion on clothing in 2017.

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