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10 Facts About Back-to-School Shopping

With the start of a new school year rapidly approaching, consumers and retailers alike are gearing up for Back-to-School shopping. Learn what is on parents’ shopping lists with Cotton Incorporated’s…

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‘Tis the (School) Season

The fireflies may be swirling, and lines at the ice cream stand are long. But for many a parent, summertime is Back-to-School (BTS) season. For some, it's a matter of…

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Supply Chain

Outdoor Brands

At June's Outdoor Retailer (OR) Summer Market, as in years before, performance technology was a big part of the show. But this time, visitors could find new developments in high-tech…

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“Sparking Joy”

After years of acquiring mountains of clothes thanks, in part, to trendy but inexpensive fast fashion, a movement has begun among some consumers toward paring down their closets and creating…

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Rental Services & Apparel Subscriptions

It used to be shoppers shopped and consumers consumed. But these days, what counts as consumption in apparel retailing is getting blurred as more companies implement subscription boxes and rental…

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Supply Chain

Embracing Sustainability

From unboxings, hauls and try ons to deals, sales, and coupons. The combination of social media and fast fashion has helped coax people into acquiring far more clothes than ever…

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Supply Chain

Spring Performance

Recently at a Northeast clothing store, a woman wearing a winter coat could be heard voicing surprise that shorts were already out on the sales floor. Her shopping companion offered…

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Sustainability & Transparency

When it comes to sustainability and transparency, the fashion industry has taken its share of hits. While older generations may not have known about or paid attention to issues like…

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Size Inclusive

Walking down the any street in America, one will quickly find women who do not conform to the fashion world's traditional sizing model. Across the board, most women are what…

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