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Keeping Things Fresh

A research study in the European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology associated underwear made of synthetic fabrics with infections, as it doesn't breathe as much as natural…

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Supply Chain

Asian Prices Podcast Series Part 6

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Supply Chain

NY Futures Podcast Series Part 5

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Supply Chain

The A Index Podcast Series Part 4

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Supply Chain

Balance Sheets & Monthly Economic Letter Podcast Series Part 3

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Supply Chain

Crop Year & Cotton Market Podcast Series Part 2

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Supply Chain

The Global Cotton Market Podcast Series Part 1

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Getting Technical

Technology has come to fashion in a major way -- whether in wearables, high-tech fabrics or Internet of Things pieces that "talk" to the wearer.

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Let the Holiday Shopping Begin

With the long-awaited U.S. presidential election finally past us, the nation's populace can decisively switch its focus from poll numbers, the Electoral College, and ballots, and get back to their…

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Supply Chain

In a Man’s World

Guys are driving less and riding bikes more -- even to work. And that's influencing what they wear to the office.

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