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Private Labels

Gartner L2 recently noted that U.K. supermarket sales have been rebounding. Part of this is due to shoppers spending £85 million (over U.S. $104 million) more on private label groceries…

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Connecting With the Hispanic Market

Despite divisions that seem to make headlines everyday, America continues to be the melting pot of the world. And while their growth has slowed, the U.S. Hispanic population is steadily…

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Technology & Personalized Experiences

Millennials and Gen Z use technology at lightning speed, endlessly cruising from video to messaging to news to email with tireless dexterity and engagement. Older generations, meanwhile, are quick to…

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Here’s Why “Made in USA” Matters

This Labor Day marks the 125th anniversary of the national holiday that celebrates and honors the American worker. For a lot of people, it's a day that symbolizes the end…

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Supply Chain

The Benefits of Getting Technical with Cotton

If anyone doubts the staying power of cotton, consider that it was used 7,000 years ago for clothing in Ancient India, according to The History of Clothing. Its popularity has…

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The Natural Way to a Millennial Mom’s Heart

Somewhere between being called the Boomerang Generation (because a lack of finances meant they had to move back in with their parents) and Trophy Kids (because they were rewarded not…

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Taking It Personally

It used to be consumers all pretty much shopped the same way: if they needed something, they went to the store to get it. These days, there is still Point…

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Gen Z + Denim

Gen Z is nothing if not about authenticity. And perhaps no other piece of apparel has been linked more with the word "authentic" than denim jeans. But this young generation…

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Being Digitally Savvy

China is still an economic powerhouse, despite the fact that its growth is slowing. The country's economy grew 6.2 percent in the second quarter, down from 6.4 percent the period…

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10 Facts About Back-to-School Shopping

With the start of a new school year rapidly approaching, consumers and retailers alike are gearing up for Back-to-School shopping. Learn what is on parents’ shopping lists with Cotton Incorporated’s…

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