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Fiber Preferences

Fiber Preferences

Supply Chain

The Benefits of Getting Technical with Cotton

If anyone doubts the staying power of cotton, consider that it was used 7,000 years ago for clothing in Ancient India, according to The History of Clothing. Its popularity has…

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The Natural Way to a Millennial Mom’s Heart

Somewhere between being called the Boomerang Generation (because a lack of finances meant they had to move back in with their parents) and Trophy Kids (because they were rewarded not…

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Par for the Course

Tiger Woods isn't the only recent comeback in golf. Duffers will find more cotton than has been seen in years thanks to the natural fiber being linked with performance features,…

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Supply Chain

Being Transparent

An 18-year-old college student walked through a mall, pointed to a particular fast fashion store and said he'd never shop there because of how it treated workers in its manufacturing…

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“Sparking Joy”

After years of acquiring mountains of clothes thanks, in part, to trendy but inexpensive fast fashion, a movement has begun among some consumers toward paring down their closets and creating…

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Supply Chain

Embracing Sustainability

From unboxings, hauls and try ons to deals, sales, and coupons. The combination of social media and fast fashion has helped coax people into acquiring far more clothes than ever…

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Supply Chain

Spring Performance

Recently at a Northeast clothing store, a woman wearing a winter coat could be heard voicing surprise that shorts were already out on the sales floor. Her shopping companion offered…

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The Touch, The Feel

It's been called one of the most influential taglines in the U.S. Over the past four decades, the song has been sung by a bevy of well-known popular singers. Familiar…

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Supply Chain

Why Fiber Content Labels Matter

If it seems like consumers are very often price-driven when it comes to their clothing purchases, they are. But some in the apparel industry say consumers, as well as manufacturers,…

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