Fiber Preferences
Fiber Preferences
Here Comes the Comfort
It’s that time of year when something old, something new, something borrowed, and something comfortable…. Oh, wait — that’s not part of the traditional matrimonial rhyme. But for most brides,…
Cotton and the Great Outdoors
Among the many scenes where one had to suspend disbelief while watching the Oscar-nominated “The Revenant” were those where frontiersman walked through icy river waters and then plodded through knee-deep…
Updating Favorites
This week at the Oscar’s, Sylvester Stallone sat in the audience after having been nominated for his supporting role as Rocky Balboa in Creed, the latest sequel to the Rocky…
A Growing Market
It might be clear around the other side of the world, but China’s appreciation of that iconic American product — the denim jean — is strong. Yet indicators show there’s…
Technological Advances
What if you could spill lunch down the front of your shirt, walk through torrential rain to get back to the office and remain connected to the Internet of Things…