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Denim’s Renewal
Everyone has a favorite pair of denim jeans — until they start fraying or ripping. At one time, some funky patches might have helped to cover the holes and prolong…
KEY INSIGHTS Educate shoppers on the health and comfort benefits of baby care products to encourage higher consumption. Market to first-time tampon users through informative promotions. Increase cotton offerings in…
The Ties That Bind
The U.S. Congress recently revived the Trans-Pacific Partnership when it voted to give President Barack Obama “fast track” authority to negotiate trade deals. The complicated, multi-pronged trade agenda involves 11…
Global Consumer Insights – China
The projected doubling in China’s apparel market will be driven by its upper middle class. The upper middle class in China is projected to grow from 8% of the population…
Denim with a Twist
Maybe it's because people in general have become multitaskers, we've come to expect everything else to do double duty, too: Phones that have cameras and internet capabilities. Brac
Home Textiles: Sheets & Bedding
About 7 in 10 consumers say cotton is their fiber of choice for top-of-bed product categories because they feel cotton is best suited to meet their primary needs for comfort…
Home Textiles: Bath Towels
100% cotton bath towels remain the dominant offering at retail and the preference among consumers. In fact, focusing marketing efforts to remind shoppers how 100% cotton bath towels meet their…
Sustainability Concerns
As one of the largest nations in the world, America has seemingly boundless access to natural resources. This perception has helped create a populace that -- while having an interest…
Growing Concerns 2017 Global Environment Survey
There are growing concerns around the globe about sustainability.
The Comfort of Cotton
One of life's great luxuries that actually costs nothing is falling into bed and drifting off to sleep. What makes this a "luxury" is that many people feel they just…