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Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Data and analyses of trends in the cotton textile supply chain, including commodity economics.

Supply Chain

Part 1:China in the Global Cotton Market

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Supply Chain

April 2014 Executive Cotton Update

Macroeconomic Overview: In comments made at a press conference at the end of March, the newly appointed chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, Janet Yellen, indicated that the U.S. economy continues…

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The Retail Network

Walmart first established the gold standard of supply chain planning when it used its size and power to reduce costs and offer competitive pricing. Fast fashion, too, embodied speed and…

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Supply Chain

Leading Responsibly

Cotton LEADS™, the program launched last year to raise awareness regarding the responsible growing practices among cotton producers in the U.S. and Australia, now has more than 100 textile business…

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Supply Chain

March 2014 Executive Cotton Update

Macroeconomic Overview: According to the Federal Reserve, the net worth of U.S. households reached a new record high in the fourth quarter after increasing 14% in 2013. Much of the…

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Supply Chain

January 2014 Executive Cotton Update

Macroeconomic Overview: Apart from the latest employment figures, which indicated that the fewest jobs were added last month since January 2011, recent economic data have been generally positive and many…

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Clothing Changes That Impact Satisfaction

Clothing Changes That Impact Satisfaction

Retailers and brands have unprecedented access to direct feedback about the experiences customers have with their apparel purchases. Research reveals that unfavorable consumer opinions about clothing purchases could be detrimental to…

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Supply Chain

Fabrics of the Future

The innovative technological finishes in some apparel fabrics today have come a long way since scientist Ruth Benerito first helped make 100% cotton wrinkle-resistant decades ago. Now, consumers can purchase…

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Supply Chain

October 2013 Executive Cotton Update

Macroeconomic Overview: In a political breakdown, the U.S. government ceased all non-essential services on October 1st. The shutdown may be seen as a result of the on-going political struggle between…

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Supply Chain

September 2013 Executive Cotton Update

Macroeconomic Overview: September marked the fifth anniversary of the collapse of the onset of the financial crisis. In the time since, the economy could be characterized as having experienced slow growth.…

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