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The Online Shopping Journey

Apparel shopping was once engaged in regularly as something social or to pass time on the weekends. Now it can be done during meetings, in class, while waiting for Starbucks...literally…

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Sustainability Concerns

As one of the largest nations in the world, America has seemingly boundless access to natural resources. This perception has helped create a populace that -- while having an interest…

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The Baby Boomer & Retail

Last year, Millennials officially overtook Baby Boomers as the largest living generation in the U.S. It had marketers salivating. After all, more consumers means more money, right? It turns out,…

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Subscribe Now

Retailers are regularly being told they need to surprise and delight in order to keep customers engaged and coming back. That said, it seems the subscription box delivery model has…

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Is the Mall Really Dead?

Last winter, the post-holiday season was pretty dismal for those in retail. As stores were shuttering doors or closing down altogether, more than one headline asked if malls were going…

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The Use of Natural Fibers

Consumers are an interesting bunch. They have fiber and fashion preferences, but sometimes, for reasons ranging from fit to price to convenience, they end up buying products that end up…

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Activewear Sales

With the many stories touting the strength of athleisure apparel mixed with the aisles of workout apparel in stores, it may come as a surprise that consumers spent less on…

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Seamless Retail

Every week we read about the flux that retail is experiencing. But whether consumers are shopping for new clothes in-store or online, the bottom line is they're still purchasing apparel.…

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Looking for Hits

On a hot and humid day this past July, when the only logical places to be were either at the beach or in front of an air conditioner, a street…

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A Digital Assist

Go into any hardware, home goods, or electronics store and you'll likely see digital assistants that will help to remotely turn off lights, play music, place a takeout order or…

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