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Supply Chain

Behind Fashion’s Fabulousness

Every time there’s a major snowfall or painfully cold weather conditions, someone takes to Facebook to make a snarky comment about global warming. But the reality is, 70 percent of…

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Urban Boom

If the children are our future, so, apparently, is a lot of urban living. Recent headlines have Millennials leaving the suburbs behind for the nation’s cities, both big and small.…

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A Growing Market

It might be clear around the other side of the world, but China’s appreciation of that iconic American product — the denim jean — is strong. Yet indicators show there’s…

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Looking Back

This past holiday season, the American consumer could have been called anything from finicky to punctually challenged. But at the end of the day, they quit their procrastinating and spent…

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Supply Chain

Supply Chain Insights – Millennials

Key Insights Faster fashion, omnichannel approaches, and product education are instrumental to win all Millennial segments. Offer innovative digital platforms and customization options to capture elusive shoppers. Use targeted marketing…

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It’s a New Year

The last broken Christmas cookie has been eaten, every chip known to mankind (from original Fritos to organic beet snacks) has been sampled, and the eggnog is long gone. Yes,…

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The Retail of Now: Millennials

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Holiday 2015 Retail

A show of hands for everyone who felt like a winner after driving to the area shopping center thinking it would be a zoo and finding manageable (as opposed to…

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Boys and Girls

“You’ve got your mother in a whirl, She’s not sure if you’re a boy or a girl…” — David Bowie   There’s something of a movement happening in fashion right…

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