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Supply Chain

The Fashion Industry & Sustainability

It was back in 1970 that the world celebrated its first Earth Day, which has been held on April 22 every year since. Cut to today, and cars average nearly…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter April 2019

This month’s USDA report included only marginal changes to global production, consumption, and trade estimates. The world production number increased just 45,000 bales, leaving last month’s estimate essentially unchanged at…

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For a Good Cause

Running a fashion business is full of hard work, stress, long hours, and mental gymnastics. But it's also full of glamour. And that glamour can help attract media attention to…

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Consumer Engagement

For years now, businesses have been advised to use, learn, and engage with customers via social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. What better way to grow your brand than…

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Supply Chain

Spring Performance

Recently at a Northeast clothing store, a woman wearing a winter coat could be heard voicing surprise that shorts were already out on the sales floor. Her shopping companion offered…

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Supply Chain

All About Plastics

No one sets out to refresh themselves by drinking plastic. But microscopic pollution are in virtually every body of water on Earth. While the debris comes from a number of…

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The Touch, The Feel

It's been called one of the most influential taglines in the U.S. Over the past four decades, the song has been sung by a bevy of well-known popular singers. Familiar…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter March 2019

This month’s USDA report featured little change. The global harvest estimate for 2018/19 rose 440,000 bales (to 118.9 million). The global mill-use estimate decreased 50,000 bales (essentially unchanged at 123.6…

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Sustainability & Transparency

When it comes to sustainability and transparency, the fashion industry has taken its share of hits. While older generations may not have known about or paid attention to issues like…

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Size Inclusive

Walking down the any street in America, one will quickly find women who do not conform to the fashion world's traditional sizing model. Across the board, most women are what…

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