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Rethinking Underthings

When it comes to what people want in their most intimate apparel items, it is the same softness and comfort they have always held dear – plus, perhaps, some performance…

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The High and Low Of It

The designer collaboration is alive, well and multiplying rapidly — a fact that should keep shoppers awash in one-offs for quite some time.  But the newest collaborations are breaking with…

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Consumers’ Sources of Clothing Ideas

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In Celebration of Shopping

Fashion’s Night Out is back.  And for those wondering if it is bigger and better than ever, in a word: Bieber.  As in, Justin Bieber, who says in the event’s…

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As You Like It

The good thing about malls, city shopping districts and e-commerce sites is the bounty of retail choices they provide.  But such abundance makes it trickier for stores to differentiate themselves.…

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Getting Personal

In an effort to hone in on what makes consumers buy rather than browse, retail science has gotten a little…sci-fi. For brick and mortar stores, there are “technologies like heat…

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Seeking Social Skills

For today’s retailers, the question is no longer whether to use Facebook, but whether Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Tumblr are being used as effectively as possible. Smart stores realize social…

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Supply Chain

When Jobs Come Marching Home Again

One of the major factors in the country’s stubborn unemployment numbers is the loss of manufacturing jobs — 5.6 million in the last decade. All the off-shoring paired with the…

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Flash Dance

Out of the Great Recession came a fun twist on e-commerce: flash sale sites, which combined the art of the deal with wallet-friendly prices – and consumers flocked in droves.…

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Boom-ing Business

The Great Recession may have sent boomers for a loop, but smart retailers will realize this group is still a powerful purchasing force.  Sure, Millennials — those children of the…

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