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Men’s & Women’s Concerns When Purchasing Denim

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Looking Good vs. Being Practical

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A Growing Market

It might be clear around the other side of the world, but China’s appreciation of that iconic American product — the denim jean — is strong. Yet indicators show there’s…

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Heritage Styling and Fabrics

Walking the aisles of the recent New York menswear market week shows, one thing was clear: despite all the buzz about athleisure, manufacturers are strong on denim. Very strong.[quote] “Denim…

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The Birthday of the Blue Jean

Wednesday marked the birthday of a true American icon: the blue jean. It’s been 142 years since Levi’s received the patent for its riveted-for-strength denim jean. And for generations, the…

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Supply Chain

Easing Apparel Sourcing Cost Pressures

Market forces inside and outside of China that have kept cotton prices higher in recent years are disappearing. As a result, cotton prices around the world have moved lower. The…

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All Cotton for 24 Hours

When models took to the catwalk in Cotton’s 24 Hour Runway Show (Nov. 7-8), a record-high number of viewers were treated to a classic example of experiential marketing that hit…

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Fashion Forward

“Denim is not going away any time soon. The rise of denim into the active market is just another cyclical trend. The young generation who grew up with skinny jeans…

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Doubling Down on Denim

Denim recently celebrated its 141st birthday – proving that some well-placed nips, tucks and makeovers can preserve one’s freshness. But over the last few years, one change has been less…

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Denim’s Renewal

Everyone has a favorite pair of denim jeans — until they start fraying or ripping.  At one time, some funky patches might have helped to cover the holes and prolong…

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