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North America


What to Expect

The phrase "as soft as a baby's bottom" doesn't mean much until you actually come into contact with a newborn baby, where the difference between adult skin and this tiny…

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New Tech

Experts may differ on exactly why the Titanic sank -- was it the steel used, the rivets that held it together? But no one questions what pre-empted its sinking: the…

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Celebrating the Journey

The blue jean market looks very different than it did when Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss & Co., received the patent to strengthen men's work pants with copper rivets in…

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Amazon Rising

Once upon a time in retail, there were category killers -- stores so powerful in a particular type of offering, they knocked off their smaller competitors. Then along came an…

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Leave Comfort to Clothes

“Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life.” — Bill Cunningham

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Helping Denim Go From Blue to Green

Earth Day is this Saturday and the campaign's focus is environmental and climate literacy. Organizers posit that education on these fronts will not only advance eco-related laws, but it will…

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Supply Chain

Fashion Industry & Earth Day

This year on Earth Day, there will be more than the usual rallies and musical acts celebrating the event. There will be a March for Science in Washington, D.C., in…

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Supply Chain

Eco Concerns

So, you consider yourself to be environmentally conscious and do your best to make healthy food choices. However, did you know that your clothes might be coming from deforested tropical…

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The Endless Laundry Cycle

There's an old adage about the only things for certain in life being death and taxes. Somehow, laundry got left off that list. But this perpetual household task is as…

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Supply Chain

Home Textiles: Bath Towels

100% cotton bath towels remain the dominant offering at retail and the preference among consumers. In fact, focusing marketing efforts to remind shoppers how 100% cotton bath towels meet their…

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