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Supply Chain


KEY INSIGHTS Educate shoppers on the health and comfort benefits of baby care products to encourage higher consumption. Market to first-time tampon users through informative promotions. Increase cotton offerings in…

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Storytelling with Cotton

When consumers talk about their favorite things to wear, they mention comfort, fit, and how the item makes them feel good. And more often than not, their favorite clothes are…

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From Digital to In-Store

Although “clienteling” might have a number of definitions, and myriad paths to best achieve it, it really means connecting with customers so well on every channel that they want to…

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From a Follow to a Sale

Bloggers haven’t just earned a seat at the fashion table, they’ve earned marketing contracts and growing respect from brands and retailers. These self-employed fashion journos are no longer considered crashers…

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Supply Chain

Being Domestic

A byproduct of the Great Recession was the realization by many people that a lot of jobs had been off-shored over the years. The recession’s double-digit jobless rate led people…

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Connecting with the Curvy Customer

Americans are all about “Go Big or Go Home!” We have a penchant for living big time all the time. And for better or worse, it’s had an effect on…

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The Importance of Being Earnest

The great thing about the internet is everyone has a voice. Unfortunately, that can also be a bad thing when it comes to customer comments. Whether it’s a pair of…

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High Fashion for the Everywoman

When Joan Rivers used to ask red carpet celebrities, “Who are you wearing,” she brought designer awareness to the masses. The same can be said for designer collaborations that bring…

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Supply Chain

Prospects for Tomorrow’s Underwear Market

KEY INSIGHTS Deliver more personalized shopping experiences, such as online fit/sizing specialists, to increase sales and loyalty from Millennial shoppers. Expand performance technologies, such as easy care and odor resistance,…

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Supply Chain

Ethical Matters

Judging by the effort businesses are pouring into environmental and socially conscious initiatives, one would think consumers were militant about buying eco-friendly goods. Sure, consumers care, but they’re actually more…

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