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The Time is Now for Natural Fibers

Scientists around the globe were recently shocked when temperatures over Earth’s poles soared: Antarctica was more than 70 degrees warmer than average, while areas of the Artic registered temps more…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter
March 2022

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Most benchmark prices decreased over the past month. The most actively traded May 2021 NY/ICE futures contract decreased from 124 to 118 cents/lb over the past month.…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter
February 2022

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT All benchmark prices increased over the past month. The Nearby March NY/ICE futures contract increased from 115 to 127 cents/lb. Open interest has been migrating out of…

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How Conventional Cotton Can Organically Meet Consumer Desires

At a time when the world seems to be focused on sustainability, consumers have differing ideas on terms that describe different types of cotton and what “organic cotton” actually means.…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter
January 2022

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT All benchmark prices increased over the past month. The March NY/ICE futures fell as low as 104 cents/lb in early December. After trading sideways in the first…

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Activewear Research – Q&A


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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter
October 2021

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Most benchmark prices surged between late September and the present. After touching values below 90 cents/lb on September 20, the December NY/ICE futures contract surged higher. Prices…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter
September 2021

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT U.S and Chinese benchmark prices increased in early August but were flat to lower later in the month and through early September. Values for the December NY/ICE…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter
August 2021

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Most benchmark prices increased last month. Values for the December NY/ICE futures contract held between 88 and 90 cents/lb for much of July. In early August, futures…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter
July 2021

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Although several prices slipped around the middle of June, most benchmarks are slightly higher than their levels one month ago. Values for the December NY/ICE futures contract…

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