Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
Here’s Why Brands Are Leaning into Natural Fibers
When it comes to sustainability, apparently there is a disconnect between what shoppers want and what retailers offer. In a survey from First Insight, the predictive analytics firm found consumers…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
Here’s Where Young Shoppers Say Brands Really Need to Step Up
Amid ever more extreme weather events due to climate change, consumers are faced with how they can make a difference, especially when it comes to what they purchase — and…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
Can Earth Day Kick Off Climate Restoration by Fashion Industry?
As Earth Day approaches this April 22, the fashion industry is once again faced with the part it plays in climate change. But instead of hemming, hawing, and greenwashing its…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
How Blue Jeans Pair Perfectly with Circular Fashion
In a circularity panel discussion held earlier this year, moderator Robert Langkjaer-Bain of Imagine5 media informed the audience that in the time it took for them to watch a 6-minute…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
Here’s How Fashion Brands Can Go Plastic Free Beyond July
Now that we’re fully involved in the hazy days of summer, it means pool time, barbecues and, more recently, Plastic Free July. This initiative by the Plastic Free Foundation aims…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
Why Fashion Needs to Make a Bigger Effort to Be “Plastic Free”
During the pandemic, the fashion industry waxed poetic about taking a look at itself and the amount of clothing and number of deliveries it was pumping out. A few short…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
This One Program Helps the Planet AND Brings Consumers to Your Store
America Recycles Day is coming up on Nov. 15 and it gives both consumers and businesses a chance to pitch in when it comes to renewing, reusing, and recycling. Fashion…
Articles | Retail Market Analysis
These New Passports Will Emphasize a Brand’s Sustainability
A new report from the United Nations Environment Programme says greenhouse gas emissions reached a new high in 2022 and by September 2023, global average temperatures were 1.8°C above pre-industrial…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
Cotton to Cotton Candy? Almost! These are New Things Cotton Can Do
When thinking about cotton products, it makes sense that the first thoughts turn toward apparel — the denim jeans, the dress shirts, the tees, etc. – especially if you’re in…