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Reaching Gen Z & Millennials: Different Social Platforms Call for Different Content Every Time

There are 8 billion people in this world. And of them, 60 percent, or 4.88 billion, are active social media users. In the U.S., that number jumps to 74 percent.…

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Despite Decreased Inflation, Back-to-School May Be Impacted

Inflation is at its lowest point in more than a year – three percent in June, down from 9.1 percent in June 2022. Yet, the continuation of increased prices, albeit…

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Buckle Up: The Metaverse is Coming to Retail & Young Shoppers Are Ready

Way back in the 1992 in his book Snow Crash, author Neal Stephenson coined the word “Metaverse,” a space he saw as a successor to the internet and a virtual…

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Things to Know About Back-to-School 2023

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Despite Inflation Jitters, BTS Apparel Sales Expected to Rise

Right now, it’s the season of “no more pencils, no more books,” but the coming days will see Back-to-School (BTS) shopping kicking into high gear. And this season, despite any…

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Why Transforming Stores is Essential to Keep Today’s Consumer

The COVID pandemic forced consumers to shop differently when stores were shut down for months on end. The issue for retailers now, though, is figuring out how to fulfill the…

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These Tech Firms Want to Lift Customer Loyalty

Retaining customer loyalty has been a concern for brands and retailers since, well, forever. But factors like online shopping and social media made things more complicated. And then COVID took…

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Retail: Here’s How Holiday Performed & What to Expect from Shoppers in ‘23

After enjoying a strong holiday season, economists are predicting a slowdown in 2023 amid concerns about a recession. And they want retailers to be prepared. But first, the good news.…

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Here Comes 2023 — What to Expect at Retail

Real talk: In December of 2019, nobody could have predicted what was to happen in 2020. But 2020 was a total outlier. Normally, people can rely on predictions. And right now,…

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