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Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Data and analyses of trends in the cotton textile supply chain, including commodity economics.

Supply Chain

Likely to Purchase Clothing Marketed as the Following

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Supply Chain

Who’s Responsible for Non-Enviro-Friendly Clothing?

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Supply Chain


As the world’s largest cotton grower, consumer, and importer, China has long been at the center of the global cotton market.  Since the spike in fiber prices that occurred during…

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Supply Chain

Counting Cotton

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Supply Chain

Overview of the A Index

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Supply Chain

Introduction to Cotton Futures

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Supply Chain

The Crop Year

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Supply Chain

Overview of the Global Cotton Market

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Supply Chain

Resilient Amidst Ups And Downs

American consumers are good at handling roller coaster rides – be it a national presidential election, a powerfully destructive hurricane, or a potentially damaging fiscal cliff.  Since early fall, U.S.…

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Supply Chain

Force of Impact

The subject of outsourcing usually has to do with U.S. jobs that have been lost to overseas companies.  But when the apparel industry outsourced its manufacturing, it also sent production…

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