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Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Data and analyses of trends in the cotton textile supply chain, including commodity economics.

Supply Chain

Behind Fashion’s Fabulousness

Every time there’s a major snowfall or painfully cold weather conditions, someone takes to Facebook to make a snarky comment about global warming. But the reality is, 70 percent of…

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Supply Chain

Supply Chain Insights – Millennials

Key Insights Faster fashion, omnichannel approaches, and product education are instrumental to win all Millennial segments. Offer innovative digital platforms and customization options to capture elusive shoppers. Use targeted marketing…

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Always On, Always Open

When it comes to getting what they want, consumers don’t really care what it takes for retailers to deliver it. So in modern retailing, where hyper responsiveness is becoming the…

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Supply Chain

Changing Seasons

It’s that time of year when a “crisp fall day” sounds great until you find you’ve left the house dressed in attire more appropriate for summer than kicking the autumn…

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Supply Chain

Closing the Loop

The global apparel industry is a $1.7 trillion business that employs several million people worldwide. It’s a giant that provides the basics and the aspirational. But in the last decade…

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Boxed Apparel Services

For years now, retailers have appealed to the time-strapped or fashion-challenged by offering the services of stylists or personal shoppers. But in today’s digital age, subscription-based boxed apparel services are…

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Supply Chain

Evolution in Cotton Prices

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Supply Chain

The Ties That Bind

The U.S. Congress recently revived the Trans-Pacific Partnership when it voted to give President Barack Obama “fast track” authority to negotiate trade deals. The complicated, multi-pronged trade agenda involves 11…

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Supply Chain

Top Performances

When it comes to working out, there are plenty of apparel options out there — from traditional sweats and tees, to athleisure to performance active. According to the Global Industry…

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Supply Chain


KEY INSIGHTS Educate shoppers on the health and comfort benefits of baby care products to encourage higher consumption. Market to first-time tampon users through informative promotions. Increase cotton offerings in…

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