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Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Data and analyses of trends in the cotton textile supply chain, including commodity economics.


Standing the Test of Time

Out of economic crisis comes change. But that doesn’t mean that people abandon the things that are familiar and provide comfort. It just means these things tend to evolve. The…

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Clearing the Air

This year's 50th Anniversary of Earth Day was very different from past events. And judging by the ever cleaner air and further emergence of wildlife in unexpected areas, the planet…

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Supply Chain

Why Fashion Designers are Embracing Sustainability

When New York Fashion Week took place two months ago, every show was packed with editors, influencers, stylists, buyers, and fans. Clearly, everyone's focus was not on keeping his or…

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Supply Chain

Helping the World’s Water

Imagine a large cruise ship, as tall as a 16-story building and longer than a city block. Next, imagine it’s made of tiny microplastic particles that suddenly collapse into the…

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Supply Chain Insights – Baby Care

The global market for baby diapers and wipes is strong and growing, as consumers across the world are expected to spend $70.1 billion on these products by 2023.

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter
February 2020

The latest USDA report featured an increase to the forecast for world production in 2019/20 (+850,000 bales to 121.3 million) and a decrease to the forecast for 2019/20 world mill-use…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter January 2020

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Indian and Pakistani prices were stable over the past month.  Other benchmark prices increased. The nearby March NY futures contract increased from 65 to 71 cents/lb. The…

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Giving Apparel New Life

Tomorrow is America Recycles Day, the annual initiative by Keep America Beautiful that's dedicated to promoting recycling in the U.S. And some forward-thinking apparel makers and retailers are looking to…

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Supply Chain

10 Things to Know About What Organic Means To Consumers

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Repositioning For the Conscious Consumer

Now that consumers are becoming more conscientious shoppers, it seems everyone from artisan-produced luxury labels to discount mass retailers are positioning themselves to appeal to those seeking more sustainable product.

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