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Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Data and analyses of trends in the cotton textile supply chain, including commodity economics.

Supply Chain

Consumers Still Love Ecommerce – Here’s How U.S. Can Compete

Online shopping has been the stuff of wardrobe inspiration, late night impulse buys and time saving purchases for consumers around the world. While it stands to grow exponentially in the…

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Blending Realities

Salman Rushdie once said reality is a question of perspective. While true, that was also written before realities of the augmented (AR), virtual (VR), and mixed (MR) varieties came into…

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Supply Chain

Embracing Sustainability

Remember those videos from last month after Hurricane Ida tore through the south then brought its wrath to the Northeast, bringing such powerful flooding it looked like waterfalls were rushing…

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Supply Chain

Beyond COVID Demand & Prices

  Supply Chain Insights – Beyond COVID Demand & Prices

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What Consumers Want & What They Buy

A year ago, it seemed like Covid might finally have been the one opponent powerful enough to thwart fast fashion, the category known for inexpensive and cheaply made "disposable" garments.…

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Supply Chain

More of a Reality?

When COVID-19 ground everyday life to a halt, the impact on the retail industry was immediate and severe. The fashion industry, which offers anywhere from twelve to many dozens of…

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Here’s Why “Made in USA” Matters

This Labor Day marks the 125th anniversary of the national holiday that celebrates and honors the American worker. For a lot of people, it's a day that symbolizes the end…

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Size Inclusive

Walking down the any street in America, one will quickly find women who do not conform to the fashion world's traditional sizing model. Across the board, most women are what…

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New York Fashion Week just wrapped up the Spring/Summer 2019 shows, yet it's mid-September. Despite regular discussion about the industry's need for speed, and a consumer that has a see…

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Supply Chain

Mining the Data

By now, everyone has heard about big data — those large data sets that reveal shopping patterns, style trends, and human behavior, all of which can help predict what will…

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