Data and analyses of consumer attitudes, preferences and shopping habits.
Celebrating 10 Years
America is a leader in many areas, one of them being a top consumer market. That has its pros -- we can be counted on to buy a lot of…
Helping Denim Go From Blue to Green
Earth Day is this Saturday and the campaign's focus is environmental and climate literacy. Organizers posit that education on these fronts will not only advance eco-related laws, but it will…
Here’s How Recycled Denim Helps America
When people talk about America the Beautiful, they’re definitely not referring to the 292.4 million tons of waste — which includes more than 17 million tons of textiles — the…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
How Blue Jeans Pair Perfectly with Circular Fashion
In a circularity panel discussion held earlier this year, moderator Robert Langkjaer-Bain of Imagine5 media informed the audience that in the time it took for them to watch a 6-minute…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
This One Program Helps the Planet AND Brings Consumers to Your Store
America Recycles Day is coming up on Nov. 15 and it gives both consumers and businesses a chance to pitch in when it comes to renewing, reusing, and recycling. Fashion…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
This is Why Denim is Circular – And Why Consumers Trust It
Just four years ago when the pandemic was raging, pajamas and sweatpants became the go-to garments all day, every day and the industry wondered about the future of denim. Though…
Articles | Consumer Research
America Recycles Day Isn’t Just About Bottles & Cans
America Recycles Day rolls in on November 15 and it stands as a prime occasion to promote the recycling of clothes and textiles. “Honestly, when most consumers think about recycling,…