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North America


Online Frontiers

Paris Fashion Week is underway and with it comes all the creativity and visual drama one expects of the world’s fashion capital. It’s flamboyant and fabulous. Meanwhile, in offices in…

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Updating Favorites

This week at the Oscar’s, Sylvester Stallone sat in the audience after having been nominated for his supporting role as Rocky Balboa in Creed, the latest sequel to the Rocky…

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Using Data to Create Customer Bonds

Believe it or not, there was a time when shoppers on the East Coast didn’t recognize all the stores on the West Coast. The same was true of shoppers up…

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Supply Chain

Behind Fashion’s Fabulousness

Every time there’s a major snowfall or painfully cold weather conditions, someone takes to Facebook to make a snarky comment about global warming. But the reality is, 70 percent of…

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Women & Online Shopping

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Where do men & women purchase most of their clothing?

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Where Do Consumers Purchase Most of Their Clothing?

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Total Consumers & Online Shopping

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Time Consumers Spend Shopping Online Each Month

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Time Consumers Spend Shopping in Stores Each Month

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