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North America


Things to Know About COVID-19 & Consumer Concerns in Mexico (Wave 10)

Things to Know About COVID-19 & Consumer Concerns in Mexico (Wave 10)

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Things to Know About COVID-19 & Consumer Concerns in the U.S. (Wave 10)

Things to Know About COVID-19 & Consumer Concerns in the U.S. (Wave 10)

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter
April 2022

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Most benchmark prices increased over the past month. Open interest is shifting out of the May NY/ICE futures contract and into July. Prices for both futures surged…

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Guess Which Generation Wants Sustainable Clothes the Most

When it comes to sustainable shopping, consumers have preferences regarding what they’d like to buy. And industry experts say opportunity awaits the retailers that truly hear and respond to customer…

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Sustainable Cotton Apparel

Brands Stepping Up Their Sustainability Game

As consumers become more aware of sustainability, some fashion brands are making concerted efforts to not just be seen as an eco-conscious brand, but to change their practices and supply…

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The Time is Now for Natural Fibers

Scientists around the globe were recently shocked when temperatures over Earth’s poles soared: Antarctica was more than 70 degrees warmer than average, while areas of the Artic registered temps more…

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Consumers Still Feathering Their Nests at Home

“Home is where we should feel secure and comfortable.” —  Catherine Pulsifer, author After two years of spending a lot of time at home, who could blame consumers if they…

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Things to Know About Home Textiles – U.S. Edition

Things to Know About Home Textiles – U.S. Edition

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter
March 2022

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Most benchmark prices decreased over the past month. The most actively traded May 2021 NY/ICE futures contract decreased from 124 to 118 cents/lb over the past month.…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter
February 2022

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT All benchmark prices increased over the past month. The Nearby March NY/ICE futures contract increased from 115 to 127 cents/lb. Open interest has been migrating out of…

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