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North America
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
Who Should Really Be the Focus of “New You” in 2023?
The holidays are over so of course headlines are screaming “New Year, New You,” with everything from the latest paleo diet book to fitness plans being foisted upon the public.…
Infographics/Charts | Economic Data/News
Things To Know About Inflation & The Consumer – Mexico Edition (Wave 3)
Things To Know About Inflation & The Consumer – Mexico Edition (Wave 3)
Infographics/Charts | Economic Data/News
Things to Know About Inflation & the Consumer – U.S. Edition (Wave 3)
Things to Know About Inflation & the Consumer – U.S. Edition (Wave 3)
Newsletter | Economic Data/News
Monthly Economic Letter
December 2022
RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Most cotton benchmarks were relatively unchanged over the past month. Trading activity has shifted from the December NY/ICE contract to March. Prices for the March NY/ICE contract…
Articles | Retail Market Analysis
Here Comes 2023 — What to Expect at Retail
Real talk: In December of 2019, nobody could have predicted what was to happen in 2020. But 2020 was a total outlier. Normally, people can rely on predictions. And right now,…
Articles | Retail Market Analysis
How Small Businesses are Capturing the Spirit (and Sales) of the Season
Small Business Saturday may have happened last weekend but shop owners everywhere can parlay the benefits of that American Express-founded holiday into gains during the rest of the Christmas season. It just…
Articles | Consumer Research
Gen Z + Gaming = Fertile Retail Ground
While Gen X and Boomers may be struggling to figure out what the metaverse even is, Gen Z is fully immersed in it. Now, digital experts are pointing to gaming as a…
Articles | Consumer Research
This is How Fashion Can Help America Recycle
The slogan “reduce, reuse, recycle” has been around for decades. But it’s only more recently that the fashion industry has begun examining how such actions could improve their sustainability efforts…
Articles | Consumer Research
New Consumerism: Who Today’s Shoppers Are & Where They Spend Money
If the last nearly three years have taught the industry anything, it’s that change can happen in multiple areas very quickly — think pandemic, gas prices, inflation — and their effects can change customer…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
From Prep to Skate, Men’s Must-Have Trends for Spring
The runways around the world are quiet now, and buyers have had time to digest the myriad of looks from New York to Europe to Asia. And while so much…