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An Active Opportunity

If you think activewear makers were excited when the athleisure boom took place in the U.S., imagine how interesting the Chinese market is to them.

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Supply Chain

Eco Concerns

So, you consider yourself to be environmentally conscious and do your best to make healthy food choices. However, did you know that your clothes might be coming from deforested tropical…

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Supply Chain

Brave New World

If the U.S. and China were to post their relationship status on Facebook, the "it's complicated" option comes to mind.

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Supply Chain

Asian Prices Podcast Series Part 6

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Supply Chain

Balance Sheets & Monthly Economic Letter Podcast Series Part 3

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Supply Chain

Crop Year & Cotton Market Podcast Series Part 2

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Supply Chain

The Global Cotton Market Podcast Series Part 1

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An Iconic Staple

Denim has always been a tried-and-true staple item here in the U.S. While the relatively recent athleisure trend may have affected America's denim sales, jeans remain the top bottomswear item…

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Global Consumer Insights – Japan

Clothes shopping affinity, frequency, and impulse purchasing has declined in Japan over the past fifteen year. Yet, the growing popularity of online shopping offers brands the opportunity to tap into…

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Global Consumer Insights – China

The projected doubling in China’s apparel market will be driven by its upper middle class. The upper middle class in China is projected to grow from 8% of the population…

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