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Fashion & Apparel Trends

Fashion & Apparel Trends

Supply Chain

Why Leaving a Trace Is Becoming Important to Fashion

The issue of sustainability has become more common among fashion consumers. And now traceability is coming into play, as shoppers place a bigger import on knowing more about what they’re…

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Microplastics Are a Problem, but Fashion Can Help

During Plastic Free July, brands and retailers should also consider that, nearly two-fifths of consumers (37 percent) say sustainability or environmental friendliness is important to them when they’re looking at…

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Here’s How to Reach Business & Sustainability Goals With Digital Design

If there’s one word coming out of fashion in 2024, it’s “sustainable.” And while there are many thoughts on what the word means and how to achieve sustainability, one area…

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This is Why Denim is Circular – And Why Consumers Trust It

Just four years ago when the pandemic was raging, pajamas and sweatpants became the go-to garments all day, every day and the industry wondered about the future of denim. Though…

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Supply Chain

Here’s Why Earth Day Could Bring More Natural Fibers to Fashion

Earth Day will be celebrated April 22 and this year the organization behind the movement is focusing on plastics. To be clear, Earthday.org is “demanding a 60 percent reduction in…

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Supply Chain

Cotton to Cotton Candy? Almost! These are New Things Cotton Can Do

When thinking about cotton products, it makes sense that the first thoughts turn toward apparel — the denim jeans, the dress shirts, the tees, etc. – especially if you’re in…

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This One Program Helps the Planet AND Brings Consumers to Your Store

America Recycles Day is coming up on Nov. 15 and it gives both consumers and businesses a chance to pitch in when it comes to renewing, reusing, and recycling. Fashion…

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Supply Chain

Why Fashion Needs to Make a Bigger Effort to Be “Plastic Free”

During the pandemic, the fashion industry waxed poetic about taking a look at itself and the amount of clothing and number of deliveries it was pumping out. A few short…

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Here’s How Fashion Brands Can Go Plastic Free Beyond July

Now that we’re fully involved in the hazy days of summer, it means pool time, barbecues and, more recently, Plastic Free July. This initiative by the Plastic Free Foundation aims…

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How Blue Jeans Pair Perfectly with Circular Fashion

In a circularity panel discussion held earlier this year, moderator Robert Langkjaer-Bain of Imagine5 media informed the audience that in the time it took for them to watch a 6-minute…

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