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Sustainability in Consumers’ Lives and Wardrobes

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Sustainability & Concerned Consumers

Supply Chain Insights – Sustainability & Concerned Consumers

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This Is 30: Measuring Consumer Attitudes & Behavior Over Three Decades

Thirty years ago, Seinfeld was the number one TV show, the disheveled grunge look was all the rage, “Casual Fridays” were ushering in a more relaxed workwear environment – and…

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Fashion Can Work With Shoppers to Move Beyond COVID

It’s been more than two years since COVID-19 shut down the world and turned life, including retail, on its ear. Stores and brands scrambled to serve customers while operating within…

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Supply Chain

New Year’s Resolutions

Yes, it’s true. It’s January once again. A time when consumers perform the annual ritual of blowing cobwebs off their scales muttering, “This time will be different.” Exercising and losing…

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What Consumers Want & What They Buy

A year ago, it seemed like Covid might finally have been the one opponent powerful enough to thwart fast fashion, the category known for inexpensive and cheaply made "disposable" garments.…

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Supply Chain

A Renewed Look

Since the start of the pandemic, proper hand washing, and sanitizing have been touted as key to reducing the spread of COVID-19. Such is the importance of clean, running water.…

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Meeting New Demands

In casual conversations with folks who don't work in the apparel industry, many seem surprised to hear that apparel retailers didn't fare well during the COVID-19 shutdowns since they could…

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Supply Chain


In the global cotton market, it is possible to delineate multi-year periods by their dominant supply and demand factors. For much of the past decade, the global supply and demand…

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