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Sustainability & Concerned Consumers
Supply Chain Insights – Sustainability & Concerned Consumers
Articles | Consumer Research
Here’s Why Consumers Prefer Natural Fibers for Home & Beyond
Just as fashion has its trends each season, so does the home décor market. But one thing that remains timeless is the consumer preference for natural fibers, whether for bedding,…
Articles | Economic Data/News
After a Series of Disruptive Years, the U.S. Economy & the Global Cotton Market Are Calming
Four years ago, fashion week shows were held online, retail stores became fulfillment centers, adults and school children stayed in pajamas and loungewear all day as many began remote work…
Articles | Consumer Research
This Is 30: Measuring Consumer Attitudes & Behavior Over Three Decades
Thirty years ago, Seinfeld was the number one TV show, the disheveled grunge look was all the rage, “Casual Fridays” were ushering in a more relaxed workwear environment – and…
Articles | Consumer Research
Why Consumers Want the Look & Feel of Natural Fibers at Home
Whether it’s being wrapped in a plush towel after a shower, curling up on the sofa with a soft throw blanket, or sliding under the bedcovers at the end of…
Articles | Retail Market Analysis
Newest Innovations In Natural Fibers Stand to Grow Home Textile Market
If you want to know what’s trending in home textiles, take a look at some of the latest clothing fashions first. Think Coastal Grandmother, Tomato Girl Summer, as well as…
Articles | Retail Market Analysis
What to Expect (Think Cozy & Fun) in the ‘23 Home Textile Market
Just as clothing styles change each year, so do trends in home fashions. And home textiles are no exception. Colors, textures, fibers, and fabric development all play important parts in…
Fashion Can Work With Shoppers to Move Beyond COVID
It’s been more than two years since COVID-19 shut down the world and turned life, including retail, on its ear. Stores and brands scrambled to serve customers while operating within…
New Year’s Resolutions
Yes, it’s true. It’s January once again. A time when consumers perform the annual ritual of blowing cobwebs off their scales muttering, “This time will be different.” Exercising and losing…
What Consumers Want & What They Buy
A year ago, it seemed like Covid might finally have been the one opponent powerful enough to thwart fast fashion, the category known for inexpensive and cheaply made "disposable" garments.…