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Articles | Retail Market Analysis
These New Passports Will Emphasize a Brand’s Sustainability
A new report from the United Nations Environment Programme says greenhouse gas emissions reached a new high in 2022 and by September 2023, global average temperatures were 1.8°C above pre-industrial…
Embracing Sustainability
Remember those videos from last month after Hurricane Ida tore through the south then brought its wrath to the Northeast, bringing such powerful flooding it looked like waterfalls were rushing…
Digital Shopping & Sustainability
The COVID-19 vaccine rollout is finally offering a glimmer of hope that the worst of the pandemic times are behind us. It may take a bit before things are back…
In Apparel, It’s Fast Fashion Versus Sustainability
Consumers worldwide say that sustainability influences their apparel purchases
Articles | Consumer Research
The Surprising Ways Gen Z is Shopping Now
A reporter was in a store with a Gen Z shopper who was looking to buy new black denim jeans. But the retailer didn’t have the “right” black jeans in…
Articles | Fashion & Apparel Trends
The Blue Jean Birthday Story: How It Started, How It’s Going Globally
It’s funny watching movies or TV shows that don’t really seem that old but then a character makes a call from a phone booth, checks their home answering machine or…
Articles | Retail Market Analysis
This is How AI Will Benefit Consumers & Their Retail Experience
For years, retailers have had the ability to collect data from customers with the idea that they would use it to offer consumers more personalized products and experiences. But too…
Articles | Consumer Research
A Celebration, So Spread the Word: World Cotton Day & the 50th Anniversary of the Seal of Cotton
As World Cotton Day took place October 7, it’s an opportune time for brands and designers to note the celebration of another cotton event: the 50th anniversary of the Seal…
Articles | Consumer Research
Heading to World Cotton Day, Here’s What Consumers Really Think of Cotton
In a matter of days, countries around the globe will be recognizing World Cotton Day, an event held annually on October 7 as both a celebration of cotton and an…
Articles | Consumer Research
Despite Decreased Inflation, Back-to-School May Be Impacted
Inflation is at its lowest point in more than a year – three percent in June, down from 9.1 percent in June 2022. Yet, the continuation of increased prices, albeit…