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Supply Chain

Supply Chain

Data and analyses of trends in the cotton textile supply chain, including commodity economics.

Supply Chain

Brave New World

If the U.S. and China were to post their relationship status on Facebook, the "it's complicated" option comes to mind.

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Instant Gratification

We live in a day and age when screens are an addiction and smartphones an appendage. It's also a time when consumers are spending less time wandering stores to shop,…

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Supply Chain

Supply Chain Gets Reimagined

We live in a time when brands may very well be making clothes halfway around the world. This is also an age when customers want newness both in-store and online…

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Supply Chain

Asian Prices Podcast Series Part 6

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Supply Chain

NY Futures Podcast Series Part 5

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Supply Chain

The A Index Podcast Series Part 4

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Supply Chain

Balance Sheets & Monthly Economic Letter Podcast Series Part 3

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Supply Chain

Crop Year & Cotton Market Podcast Series Part 2

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Supply Chain

The Global Cotton Market Podcast Series Part 1

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Getting Technical

Technology has come to fashion in a major way -- whether in wearables, high-tech fabrics or Internet of Things pieces that "talk" to the wearer.

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