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Data and analyses of the cotton textile retail sector, including fiber share by category.


The Human Touch of Retail

Stores regularly talk about the importance of the customer experience. But the pandemic and the ensuing employee attrition has more retailers discussing the significance of listening to frontline associates' concerns…

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Prepping For Post-Covid

When the pandemic shutdown hit last year, like it or not, apparel merchants had to face that they weren't essential retailers. Old Navy had more than 1,200 stores in North…

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Prime Day Lessons

It's debatable how many people know that Amazon's Prime Day originally took place to celebrate the company's 20th anniversary of becoming an online bookseller back in July, 1995. It hardly…

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New Experiences & Stores

Despite the fact that COVID-19 is still creeping around the nation, enough people have received vaccines that not only is "opening up" part of the national lexicon, but "getting back"…

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Preparing for a Comeback

After more than a year where pajamas and athleisure took center stage in many a wardrobe, industry experts see denim making a strong return in the near future. The thinking…

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Showing Some Love

In the wake of COVID-19, it is many the brand that's trying to find its footing, figure out what makes a difference and connect with the consumer. Take Krispy Kreme:…

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Fashion & Clothing Durability

The pandemic has been a lot of things. But to the fashion resale market, it's been a windfall. There's nothing like being stuck in the house for a year to…

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