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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Report September 2019

The latest USDA report featured decreases to world production and mill-use figures.  The global harvest forecast for 2019/20 dropped 709,000 bales to 124.9 million, and the consumption forecast fell 1.3…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter August 2019

The latest USDA report featured a slight decrease to the 2019/20 production forecast (-179,000 bales, from 125.8 to 125.6 million) and a larger decrease in the projection for world mill-use…

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Being Digitally Savvy

China is still an economic powerhouse, despite the fact that its growth is slowing. The country's economy grew 6.2 percent in the second quarter, down from 6.4 percent the period…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter June 2019

This USDA’s May supply and demand report is the first to feature a complete set of forecasts for an upcoming crop year.  The figures for 2019/20 suggest growth in both…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter May 2019

This USDA’s May supply and demand report is the first to feature a complete set of forecasts for an upcoming crop year. The figures for 2019/20 suggest growth in both…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter April 2019

This month’s USDA report included only marginal changes to global production, consumption, and trade estimates. The world production number increased just 45,000 bales, leaving last month’s estimate essentially unchanged at…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter March 2019

This month’s USDA report featured little change. The global harvest estimate for 2018/19 rose 440,000 bales (to 118.9 million). The global mill-use estimate decreased 50,000 bales (essentially unchanged at 123.6…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter February 2019

Most cotton prices were stable over the past month. Chinese prices moved slightly higher. Indian prices moved slightly lower.

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Denim is Adapting & Evolving

With the major adoption of athleisure here in the U.S., it would be easy to think joggers and leggings are the top fashion bottom worldwide, edging out even that perennial…

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