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Blue Jeans Celebrate a Big Birthday with Style & Sustainability

As the blue jean celebrates its 150th birthday on May 20, one wonders if the garment could serve as a master class in how constant reinvention is good for business.…

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Supply Chain

Monthly Economic Letter May 2023

RECENT PRICE MOVEMENT Movement in benchmark cotton prices was mixed over the past month. SUPPLY, DEMAND, & TRADE In May, the USDA issues its first complete set of supply and…

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After 150 Years, Here’s Why Americans Are Still Pulling Their Jeans On

So much about American life has changed since the 1870s. For starters, 12 U.S. states had yet to be admitted to the Union back then. Horses provided the main mode…

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Supply Chain Insights – What Consumers Look For In Sheets & Bedding (China)

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Supply Chain Insights – What Consumers Look For In Sheets & Bedding (U.S.)

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Supply Chain Insights – What Consumers Look For In Sheets & Bedding (Mexico)

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Supply Chain Insights – What Consumers Look For In Blankets (Mexico)

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Supply Chain Insights – What Consumers Look For In Blankets (China)

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Supply Chain Insights – What Consumers Look for in Blankets (U.S.)

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